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Unmasking Brain Injury

On June 1, 2018, over 20 communities across Ontario unveiled the Unmasking Brain Injury (UBI) Project to mark Brain Injury Awareness Month.

A brain injury is often an invisible disability. It is often a hidden injury, not visible to people around you. So are the cognitive, emotional and psychological impacts which can be life altering. The UBI Project aims to increase the  understanding of what it is like to live with a brain injury, using masks survivors create to represent their personal experiences and feelings.

The UBI Project is an international movement. Started and coordinated by Hinds’ Feet Farm in Huntsville, North Carolina, USA, UBI was inspired by work being done with military veterans using masks. To date, more than 847 masks have been created in 3 countries.

This year, 26 masks were created by brain injury survivors from the Peel and Halton regions of Ontario.