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Enhancing Caregiver Support

Are you an ethnic minority caregiver for a loved one with a brain injury?

Your unique experiences can help strengthen caregiver support programs. The Brain Injury Association of Peel and Halton (BIAPH) is conducting a project to better understand the unique needs and challenges faced by caregivers of individuals living with brain injury. We are recruiting caregivers to take pictures and discuss their day-to-day experiences as a caregiver. These photographs and experiences will be presented as a photobook to raise awareness of caregiver experiences. The project includes a 60-minute introductory meeting, and a 60-minute interview over the phone or Zoom. 

More Information & Project Sign Up

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Learn More About Our BIAPH Team

Our team consists of individuals from diverse disciplines and skills, who approach BIAPH’s mission with empathy and a strong drive for advocacy. Throughout their time at BIAPH, each team member has played a significant role in ensuring our support programs are quality-driven, member-focused and are aligned with the specific needs of our community.

Unveiling Resilience: Photobook

Our photobook shares personal narratives of older adults living with ABI. The book portrays their challenges and meaningful activities, bridging the gap in understanding the unique struggles of senior ABI survivors. We thank ABI survivors, their families, and caregivers for sharing their experiences and providing unwavering support.