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Remembrance Day

On November 11, we pause in remembrance to honour the courage and sacrifice of the Canadian armed force members who have died in the line of duty. On this day, we pause in silence, to honour the memory of our fallen. 

Poppies — a symbol of Remembrance

Poppies, are a red flower that continue to grow on the former battlefields of France and Belgium. The poppies serve as a symbol of hope, as they were able to withstand the destruction of war. Today, we wear them as reminders of those who died while fighting for our peace. 

“In Flanders Fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below.”

— John McCrae, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps

Supporting Veterans with an Acquired Brain Injury 

According to a recent publication, (Jones et al., 2021), Canadian Armed Force service members experience a greater prevalence of mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI) in comparison to Canadian civilians. Post injury, service members can experience cognitive dysfunction, impacting their ability to return to service. A mild TBI, also referred to as a concussion, results in a temporary change to an individual’s brain functioning, caused by an event that damages the brain. If the mTBI becomes career limiting, service members must transition to civilian life. Often, after the transition period, those affected can experience post concussion symptoms which contribute to challenges with personal issues, family life, employment, and self care. Moreover, the co-occurrence of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), can often exacerbate post concussion symptoms (Jones et al., 2021). 

While we remember the fallen, we also show our support for veterans who continue to live with the invisible wounds of war and service. BIAPH welcomes veterans living with an acquired brain injury to access our Adult Support Group. Caregivers and family members are also welcome to join. Our adult support group allows survivors and caregivers to share resources, sit in on informative presentations from professionals in the field of ABI, and socially connect with one another in a safe environment. 

For more information, please visit our adult support group webpage, or email us at biaph@biaph.com. 


Jones, C., Smith-MacDonald, L., & Brémault-Phillips, S. (2021). Perceptions of Canadian Armed Forces Health Services health care professionals on cognitive assessment processes. Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health, 7(3). doi:10.3138/ jmvfh-2020-0066 

Veterans Affairs Canada (2005). A Day of Remembrance. Veterans Affairs Canada. https://www.veterans.gc.ca/public/pages/remembrance/history/a-day-of- remembrance/a-day-of-remembrance.pdf.